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3rd Shamanic Breathwork

2023-09-25 19:00:00

$19 USD

These 90-min Online Masterclass will take you on a journey into gaining new self-empowering skills and insights. Explore a variety of theme related topics and practices, such as chakra balancing, lucid dreaming, yoga nidra, and more. Gain deeper insights and mastery of the Soul Dimension Breathing practice for self-awakening, deeper meditation, and energy balancing.






About Masterclasses

Join us on a heart-centered journey into healing the memories of the past and envisioning a new, bright, and heart-centered future for ourselves and our world. Together we will elevate our energies and hearts on a transformational breathwork journey designed to take you into deeper levels of inner insight, healing, and expanded self-awareness. Then, you will be guided on a meditative journey back through the timeline of your life to your Source. Here you will be invited into healing, renewal, and joyful reconnection with your Source/True Self. In this expanded spaciousness of Being, you’ll be invited to dream, fantastically imagine, and envision your life manifesting in the Now and moving forward into each moment into your future. Shamans describe envisioning the future as “dreaming” your future into being. What are you “dreaming” envisioning right now into being in your life? What is your story? Do you feel stuck? Are you open to allowing the space for something new and close to your heart to emerge? At the close of our session, we will expand this energy of light, healing, and love into the world as we envision Global healing and well-being for all life on Earth — for one another, for our families, for all countries, and all life on Earth. In this 90-min online masterclass, you will be continuing to explore deeper layers of feeling and consciousness to access spiritual insights, emotional releases, and psychedelic-like altered states of consciousness. Combining Soul Dimension Breathing technique and Shamanic Breathwork techniques, you will be invited to journey through a variety of rhythmical breathing patterns through the nose and mouth, vocal toning, chanting, and movement. This class is part of the Shamanic Breathwork Masterclass, but don’t worry. There are no prerequisites for attending the 3rd class. But if you missed the first and second classes or if you want to experience it again before the class, you can get the membership here.

What is the Shamanic Breathwork?

Shamanic breathwork is a powerful healing practice where the breath is used as a tool to connect with the subconscious mind and tap into one’s inner wisdom and guidance. It is designed to facilitate deep transformation, personal growth, and connection to the spiritual dimension. In shamanic breathwork, specific breathing patterns allow participants to access altered states of consciousness. The rhythmic and intentional movements of the breathing process helps to release stagnant energy, open up energetic channels, and activate the body’s natural healing abilities. You will be invited to explore a range of sensations, emotions, movements, sounds, and visions, which can tremendously help to release emotional blockages, access deeper layers of the self, and gain insights into personal issues or challenges. Many people report that this process opens the way for healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Is Shamanic Breathwork for me?

It’s important to note that shamanic breathwork is a potent practice and can bring up intense emotions or experiences, making it important to be guided by an experienced breathwork facilitator in an environment where you feel safe, guided, and supported. This experience will be led by Sylvie Horvath of Soul Dimension, 35 years experienced yoga teacher and breathwork facilitator.

Potential benefits

  1. Expanded Awareness: Experience a shift in consciousness to access altered states of awareness beyond the ordinary. This expanded awareness can provide new perspectives, insights, and understanding of oneself and the world.
  2. Emotional Healing: Help individuals access and release unresolved emotions and trauma stored in the body. It can be a cathartic process, allowing for emotional healing and the integration of fragmented aspects of oneself.
  3. Spiritual Exploration: Help to open the door to spiritual exploration and connection. It can help individuals tap into their inner wisdom, connect with higher states of consciousness, and experience a sense of unity with the larger web of life.
  4. Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Help participants uncover hidden aspects of themselves, gain clarity about their life purpose, and explore their potential. It can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth, fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and enhancing overall well-being.
  5. Energy Activation and Clearing: Help activate and move stagnant energy within the body, promoting a sense of vitality and aliveness. It can also support the clearing of energetic blockages, facilitating a greater flow of life force energy.
  6. Transcendence of Limiting Beliefs: Assist in transcending limiting beliefs and patterns that no longer serve an individual’s growth and well-being. It can create a space for the exploration of new possibilities and the cultivation of empowering beliefs.
  7. Integration and Wholeness: Through the transformative nature of shamanic breathwork, individuals can experience a sense of integration and wholeness. It can facilitate the integration of fragmented parts of oneself, leading to a greater sense of coherence and alignment within body, mind, and spirit.
* It’s important to note that the benefits of shamanic breathwork can vary from person to person, and the experiences and outcomes can be highly individualized.

Class Schedule

  • 10:00 AM Pacific Time (San Francisco)
  • 11:00 AM Mountain Time (Denver)
  • 12:00 PM Central Time (Chicago)
  • 1:00 PM Eastern Time (New York, Montreal)
  • 7:00 PM Central Eastern Standard Time (Berlin)



About the Masterclass

Benefits of



Get the ticket / Register on website. After registration you will be able to access “my account”.

Connect on Zoom 10 minutes prior to class start time and silence cell phones. Wear comfortable clothing. Refrain from eating 1.5 to 2 hours before practice. A Yoga mat, eye mask and blanket might help you feel comfortable.
7 days access starts at time of purchase. Access the session replay video and bonus content from the Replay page (log in required).

There are no refunds for the Masterclasses. If you can’t join us live, you still receive access to the Video Replay and bonus content.

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After your purchase, you will receive an e-mail confirmation and will be needed to register/login on our website (my account page) to access the class.
Is a unique technique that combines the ancient knowledge of yoga pranayama, chakras and energy, sound healing, and science-backed modern Breathwork exercises.

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